OpenShift Bootstrap Node Configuration Profile
OpenShift Control Plane Node Profile¶
This profile configures OpenShift control plane nodes that manage the cluster's core services including the API server, scheduler, controller manager, and etcd database.
- Minimum 4 vCPUs per node
- Minimum 16GB RAM per node
- Minimum 100GB disk space per node
- Network access to:
- Port 6443 (Kubernetes API)
- Port 22623 (Machine Config Server)
- Port 2379-2380 (etcd)
- Exactly three nodes for production environments
- Identical hardware specifications across control plane nodes
This profile is automatically applied to control plane nodes and configures:
# Profile configures:
- HAProxy backend services:
* api-server-6443: port 6443
* machine-config-server-22623: port 22623
- Health check configurations
- Primary service endpoints
A minimum of three control plane nodes is required for high availability in production environments. All control plane nodes should have identical hardware specifications to ensure consistent performance.