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Repo Layout

For Infrastructure as Code (Iac) practices, it is useful to store your content packs into a change control system, e.g. git.

The following documentation will use git as our example repository.

A common useful direcotry structure is as follows.



In the above example, repo-test is our git repository. A common layout includes a .gitignore file, a, and a set of tools files.


The .gitignore ignores toplevel yaml and json files, version definition files, and a catalog holding file (rebar-catalog).



Tools Files and Scripts

In the tools directory, there are a couple of build scripts and a contents list file, packs.

The build scripts are for bash and powershell. They assume that git is present and Semver based version tags.

These scripts will use drpcli to get the version from the current git branch and bundle each content pack listed in the packs file setting the version to the value from drpcli.

tools/ File

#!/usr/bin/env bash

version=$(drpcli generate git version get)

for cpname in `cat tools/packs` ; do
    cd ${cpname}
    rm -f ._Version.meta
    drpcli contents bundle ../${cpname}.json Version=$version
    drpcli contents bundle ../${cpname}.yaml Version=$version --format=yaml
    cd ..

tools/build_content.ps1 File

# Get the version using drpcli
$version = drpcli generate git version get

# Read the contents of tools/packs
$cpnames = Get-Content -Path "tools/packs"

foreach ($cpname in $cpnames) {
    # Change directory to the current cpname
    Set-Location -Path $cpname

    # Remove the ._Version.meta file if it exists
    Remove-Item -Path "._Version.meta" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # Bundle the contents into JSON and YAML formats
    drpcli contents bundle "../$cpname.json" Version=$version
    drpcli contents bundle "../$cpname.yaml" Version=$version --format=yaml

    # Return to the previous directory
    Set-Location -Path ".."

tools/packs File

The tools/packs file is a flat text file with one line for each content pack directory within the repo. The entry is a directory at the top-level of the repo.




Within the repo, branches and tags can be used to track versions. The drpcli generate git version get command will attempt to find the most recent SEMVER tag, e.g. v4.13.3 and generate a version from it.

If the tag is on the current commit, the value is used directly.


commit 6d451369a63eb3e9140477f148f58316b7d8170f (HEAD, tag: v4.13.29)
Merge: 61d5ff9b 10810a0b
Author: Greg Althaus <>
Date:   Fri Jul 12 17:41:59 2024 +0000

Merge branch 'sec-update-v413' into 'v4.13.0-branch'

docs: update changes

See merge request rackn/docs!288
$ drpcli generate git version get

If the current commit is not tag, the number of commits from that most recent tag is generated and the git hash is with g proceeding it is created.


commit 9f948513a6e7c745b2012fbdfa8c1ac4d971d72b (HEAD -> v4, origin/v4, origin/HEAD)
Merge: 00e67107 089a8c89
Author: Greg Althaus <>
Date:   Tue Nov 19 20:02:46 2024 +0000

Merge branch 'update-changse' into 'v4'

doc: Update for drp v4.12.29

See merge request rackn/docs!353
$ drpcli generate git version get

These version get automatically injected into the content packs if the tools/build scripts are used.

Additional, CI/CD automation can be used to run the tools and publish the content packs into artifact repositories. For example, RackN uses gitlab ci/cd to automatically build and version content packs and publish them into AWS s3 buckets after generating our public catalog files.