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Profile Operations

profiles are simply collections of parameter - they conveniently group multiple parameter for easy consumption by other elements of the provisioning service.

Creating a Profile

It might be necessary to create a profile. An empty profile can be created by doing the following:

drpcli profiles create '{ "Name": "myprofile" }'


drpcli profiles create myprofile

The system will attempt to use any sent string as the Name of the profile.

Additionally, JSON can be provided to fill in some default values.

drpcli profiles create '{ "Name": "myprofile", "Params": { "string_param1": "string", "map_parm1": { "key1": "value", "key2": "value2" } } }'

Alternatively, you can create profiles from an existing file containing JSON, as follows:

echo '{ "Name": "myprofile", "Params": { "string_param1": "string", "map_parm1": { "key1": "value", "key2": "value2" } } }' > my_profile.json
drpcli profiles create -< my_profile.json

Deleting a Profile

It might be necessary to delete a profile. It is possible to use the destroy command in the profile CLI, but the profile must not be in use. Use the following:

drpcli profiles destroy myprofile

Altering an Existing Profile (including the global profile)

It might be necessary to update an existing profile, including global. parameter values can be set by doing the following:

drpcli profiles set myprofile param crazycat to true
# These last two will show the value or the whole profile.
drpcli profiles get myprofile param crazycat
drpcli profiles show myprofile


Setting a parameter's value to null will clear it from the structure.

Alternatively, the update command can be used to send raw JSON similar to create.

drpcli profiles update myprofile '{ "Params": { "string_param1": "string", "map_parm1": { "key1": "value", "key2": "value2" }, "crazycat": null } }'

Update is an additive operation by default. So, to remove items, null must be passed as the value of the key to be removed.