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Stage Operations

Stages are simply key/value pairs. However, DRP provides a strong typing model to enforce a specific type to a given Stage. This ensures that Stage values are valid elements as designed by the operator.

Creating a Stage

It might be necessary to create a new stage, an empty Stage may be created by doing the following:

drpcli stages create '{ "Name": "fluffy" }'


drpcli stages create fluffy

The system will attempt to use any sent string as the Name of the Stage. To be complete, it is required to also speciy the Type that stage must be:

drpcli stages create '{ "Description": "DNS domainname", "Name": "domainname" }'

In this example, the type string was defined for the stage.

Deleting a Stage

It might be necessary to delete a stage.

drpcli stages destroy fluffy


The destroy operation will fail if the stage is in use.

Editing a Stage

It might be necessary to update a Stage. An example to add a type of string to our fluffy stage above would be:

drpcli stages update fluffy '{ "Description": "description" }'