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Developing Plugins

This page is intended for people who are creating Digital Rebar Provision plugins.


Prerequisites: Ensure you have Go version 1.21 or later installed. This documentation assumes that the user, whether an operator or developer, is familiar with both installing and updating Golang.

Plugin Build Quickstart

Below is a step-by-step quickstart guide on setting up Golang, fetching the source code, and building a plugin. This example uses a stock Alma 9 system. Although Golang binaries can be compiled on various platforms, procedures and usage might differ across them.

  1. Setup Golang on a Fresh Alma 9 System:
 sudo yum -y install git
 mkdir $HOME/go
 tar -xzvf go1.23.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
 sudo mv go /usr/local/
 export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
 export GOPATH=$HOME/go
 export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
  1. Verify Golang Installation:
go version
  1. Fetch the Source Code:
mkdir -p "$HOME/src/rackn"
cd "$HOME/src/rackn"
git clone
cd provision-plugins
git checkout v4
  1. Navigate to the Plugins Directory and Compile:
tools/ cmds/ipmi

Post compilation, you should have the IPMI plugin specifically compiled for the Linux amd64 (64-bit) version:

[shane@fuji provision-plugins]$ ls -l bin/linux/amd64/ipmi
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 shane shane 12311392 Sep 12 19:37 bin/linux/amd64/ipmi
[shane@fuji provision-plugins]$ file bin/linux/amd64/ipmi
bin/linux/amd64/ipmi: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped

Crosscompile Plugin for Different Platform

Cross-compiling in Golang is straightforward and is steered by a few essential environment variables:

  • GOOS: Determines the target Operating System.
  • GOARCH: Specifies the target platform architecture.

For instance, to build Linux amd64 binaries (say, from a Mac OS X system):

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 tools/ cmds/ipmi

If the architecture of your build system matches your target's, you can omit the GOARCH variable. For compiling targeting a Mac OS X system, use darwin as the GOOS value.

Plugin Development


A plugin provides a plugin-provider object to the system. This makes the program as launchable. When the admin creates a plugin using the provider, the program is launched with specific configuration to provide an instance based upon that config.

A plugin-provider must provide the following things:

  1. Provide a define cli method that returns the plugin-provider model object as a JSON blob.
  2. Provide a listen cli method that takes an inbound and outbound UNIX domain socket paths as additional args.
  3. Provide an optional unpack cli method that takes a path to put files in.

The define cli method is not long running and returns.

The unpack cli method is not long running and returns the results of the unpack operation.

The listen cli method is expected to continue until stopped. The in-bound socket used to provide the DRP -> Plugin API calls, Config, Stop, Action, and Publish.

These are handled by these endpoints that are not exposed on the API port:

  • /api-plugin/v4/config - POST - map[string]interface{}
  • /api-plugin/v4/stop - POST - no data
  • /api-plugin/v4/action - POST - models.Action
  • /api-plugin/v4/publish - POST - models.Event - Deprecated and no longer used.

Additionally, all requests on the DRP API port will be forwarded to the plugin if sent to:

  • /plugin-apis/:plugin/\* - ANY - All Data

Where :plugin is the name of the plugin in the plugin object space. No translation of URL will occur. It is a direct mapping of the two spaces.

The DRP Endpoint is running a REST API server on the out-bound socket for the plugin to send information back.

The current endpoints for that API are:

  • /api-server-plugin/v4/log - POST - Logger.Line
  • /api-server-plugin/v4/publish - POST - Model.Event

All the basic input and output options are provided in a plugin wrapper.

Plugin Wrapper

This is set of boilerplate code that provides GO functions and interfaces to support easier construction of a plugin. The wrapper is based on a Cobra App and allows for command line inspection of the plugin.

This resides in

An example is in provision/v4/cmds/incrementer/incrementer.go

The following is the main function need to initial and run the plugin.

def is the plugin-provider model structure. &Plugin{} implements the interfaces that this plugin wants to handle.

Example main and imports

package main

//go:generate sh -c "cd content ; drpcli contents bundle ../content.go"

import (


func main() {
    plugin.InitApp("incrementer", "Increments a parameter on a machine", version, &def, &Plugin{})
    err := plugin.App.Execute()
    if err != nil {

Define Struct

The plugin-provider structure informs that DRP endpoint about the plugin-provider. This is provided on the InitApp call and is output as part of the define cli method.

It looks like this:

        def     = models.PluginProvider{
                Name:          "incrementer",
                Version:       version,
                PluginVersion: 4,
                HasPublish:    true,  //DEPRECATED -- DO NOT USE
                AvailableActions: []models.AvailableAction{
                        models.AvailableAction{Command: "increment",
                                Model:          "machines",
                                OptionalParams: []string{"incrementer/step", "incrementer/parameter"},
                        models.AvailableAction{Command: "reset_count",
                                Model:          "machines",
                                RequiredParams: []string{"incrementer/touched"},
                        models.AvailableAction{Command: "incrstatus"},
                Content: contentYamlString,

It provides the name and version of the plugin. It also indicates the plugin version it is. The structure indicates whether it wants event streams based upon the HasPublish flag, which will be ignored in v4.14 onwards. It also contains a list of actions that it wants to perform. The actions define the object type they are available for and the required parameters needed. If no Model is provided, it is assumed to be a system-level action.

The final item is a content Yaml string that is passed to the content system when the plugin-provider is loaded.

Content Layer

The content layer can be built by the drpcli command. By specifying a .go file extension as an output file, drpcli will generate a go file with a global string named contentYamlString.

A go generate line can be used to assist with the construction assuming drpcli is in the path.

//go:generate sh -c "cd content ; drpcli contents bundle ../content.go"

This will generate content.go file from the content directory where the main go file is located. The content directory should be in directory file store format.

Documentation for the Plugin

Documentation can be automatically generated by the plugin build process and made available for the doc system in provision by including the following generate commands in your main go file.

//go:generate sh -c "cd content ; drpcli contents bundle ../content.yaml"
//go:generate sh -c "drpcli contents document content.yaml > PLUGIN_NAME_HERE.rst"
//go:generate rm content.yaml

NOTE: Remember to change PLUGIN_NAME_HERE to the plugin's name.

This will use the pieces of the content package and generate an RST file that will be published to AWS on a completed build. This file can be added to the main docs by editing the file at

Config Action

The Config Action is called by the DRP Endpoint when a plugin is created that uses this plugin-provider.

The Plugin struct passed on InitApp must implement the PluginConfig interface by implementing the following method:

  • Config(logger.Logger, *api.Client, map[string]interface{}) *models.Error

The routine is passed a logger to use for logging. The results will be sent back to the DRP Endpoint. The routine is also passed a DRP API Client with authentication already setup for using a plugin-specific token with full access to the system. The last parameter is a map[string]interface{}. These are the parameters specified on the plugin object. The RequiredParameters is enforced by the DRP Endpoint.

The plugin should take actions to validate that it can operate, setup additional components, initialize state, and store the api client session if desired. Any error returned will cause the plugin to fail to be created and errors required on the plugin object.

See also the Go documentation at

Action Action

The Action Action is called by the DRP Endpoint through the plugin wrapper when an object's action is called. The DRP Endpoint will validate the RequiredParameters and fill in the OptionalParameters. For the actions to be handled, the Plugin struct passed to InitApp must implement the PluginActor interface by implementing the following method:

  • Action(logger.Logger, *models.Action) (interface{}, *models.Error)

The routine receives a logger to output log information to the DRP endpoint. The Action requested is defined by the models.Action object. This will contain an object reference, command requested, and parameters. The routine should return an object that will be returned to the DRP API caller as JSON or an Error object that will be sent to the user. The API return code can be specified here for errors.

In general, this function will be a big switch to handle the various call types.

See also the Go documentation at

Publish Action

NOTE: The HasPublish flag is ignored in dr-provision v4.14 and above. Instead, use the PluginEventSelector and PluginEventFilter interfaces to register for events to receive.

The Publish Action is called by the DRP Endpoint through the plugin wrapper when an event is published. The DRP Endpoint will send the event structure. To handle events, implement the PluginPublisher, the PluginEventSelector, and (optionally) the PluginEventFilter interfaces by implementing the following methods:

  • Publish(logger.Logger, *models.Event) *models.Error This method receives a logger to log messages and the fully unmarshalled Event that is being published. The routine may do what it wishes with the Event and returns nil or an error. The Publish method may call back into the API, but care should be taken to not cause an event storm by making multiple API calls that may result in more events for the plugin to handle.
  • SelectEvents() []string This method must return a slice of strings that contain specifications for the types of events that the plugin is interested in receiving. The individual strings returned by this function should be type.action.key strings as defined in the websockets reference. You must define this method in order to receive events in 4.14 and higher, and should define it in all older supported versions.
  • SelectFilters() []string THis method must return a slice of strings that contain specifications with filters for the type of events that the plugin is interested in receiving. THe individual strings returned by this function should be type.action.key.filter strings as defined in the websockets reference, although the type.action.key filters are also acceptable. In particular, you should ensure that the events returned by SelectFilters are a subset of the events returned by SelectEvents.

In all new code, you should implement all three interfaces and take advantage of the filter language to minimize the number of irrelevant events that dr-provision has to send to the plugin -- in particular, the Changed filter should be used to only receive object change events you want to act on, and ignore all others.

Unpack Action

The Unpack Action is called by the unpack CLI method provided by the plugin wrapper. The DRP Endpoint calls this CLI method after define during plugin discovery. It is not part of the Plugin's operation or tied to a specific Plugin instance. The interface function is:

  • Unpack(logger.Logger, string) error

The routine receives a logger to log messages and a path. The plugin-provider places files into the path.

See also the Go documentation at

Calls to DRP

The plugin wrapper provides a mechanism to publish events as well. plugin.Publish can be used to send events as well.

Building a Plugin

At a minimum, you need to do this:

  • go generate myplugin/myplugin.go
  • go build -o myplugin myplugin/\*.go


For each repo that the plugin resides in, the tools/ should be updated to build the plugin and versions will automatically be updated and injected.