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The Digital Rebar Provision Command Line Interface (drpcli) provides a simplified way to interact with the DRP API. The command line tool (drpcli) is auto-generated from source code via reference of the API. This means the CLI should implement 100% coverage of the API.

Download DRPCLI

If you've already installed the Digital Rebar server, then the CLI is available automatically from the server's files list. You should download the CLI directly from the server using https://[drpserveraddress]:8092/files/drpcli.amd64.darwin or similar depending on your OS and architecture.


There is a `` button on the UX top right corner that will download the right binary from your endpoint.

To install without the Digital Rebar server, you should review the catalog at for the desired version (stable is safest) to use. The following script can be used to quickly download DRPCLI and then use the catalog function to upgrade to the latest version.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Get 'drpcli' binary.
# Copyright RackN, Inc - 2020

# simple script to get the 'drpcli' client binary - to change OS Architecture
# or Platform, set environment variables ARCH and PLATFORM.  Defaults
# to "amd64" and "linux".
# Change the base repo location if you have a different Catalog source by
# setting the REPO environment variable.  Defaults to
# Change drpcli version by using one of the version names tagged in the
# catalog by setting VERSION environment variable.  Defaults to "stable"
# Some examples
# ARCH="arm64" PLATFORM="linux" VERSION="tip" ./
# ARCH="amd64" PLATFORM="darwin" VERSION="v4.4.0" ./
# ARCH="amd64" PLATFORM="windows" ./


BASE=$(curl -s --compressed $REPO | jq -r '.sections.catalog_items[]| select(.Name == "drpcli") | select(.Version == "'$VER'") | .Source')

[[ "$PLAT" == "windows" ]] && EXT=".exe" || EXT=""
[[ -f "drpcli${EXT}" ]] && { echo "drpcli${EXT} exists, not overwriting, exiting"; exit 1; } || true
curl --progress-bar -kfSL $BASE/$ARCH/$PLAT/drpcli${EXT} -o drpcli${EXT}
(( $? )) && echo "download failure" || echo "Saved as:  drpcli${EXT}"
[[ -f "drpcli${EXT}" ]] && chmod 755 drpcli${EXT} || false


The CLI provides help for commands and follows a pattern of chained parameters with a few flags for additional modifications.

Some examples are:

drpcli bootenvs list
drpcli subnets get mysubnet
drpcli preferences set defaultBootEnv discovery

The drpcli has help at each layer of command and is the easiest way to figure out what can and can not be done.

drpcli help
drpcli bootenvs help

Each object in the data architecture has a CLI subcommand.


VERY IMPORTANT - the update commands use the PATCH operation for the objects in the DRP API. This has the implication that for map like components (Params sections of machine, and profile, the contents are merged with the existing object. For the Params sections specifically, use the subaction params to replace contents.

By default, the CLI will attempt to access the dr-provision API endpoint on the localhost at port 8092 with the username and password of rocketskates and r0cketsk8ts, respectively. All three of these values can be provided by environment variable or command line flag.

Option Environment Variable Flag Format
Username RS_KEY -P or --password String, but when part of RS_KEY it is: username:password
Password RS_KEY -U or --username String, but when part of RS_KEY it is: username:password
Token RS_TOKEN N/A Base64 encoded string from a generate token API call.
Endpoint RS_ENDPOINT -E or --endpoint URL for access, https://IP:PORT. e.g.


It is necessary to specify either a username and password or a token.

Another useful flag is --format. this will change the tool output to YAML instead of JSON. This can be helpful when editing files by hand. e.g. --format yaml

For Bash users, the drpcli can generate its own bash completion file. Once generated, it is necessary to restart the terminal/shell or reload the completions.


sudo drpcli autocomplete /etc/bash_completion.d/drpcli
. /etc/bash_completion


Assuming that Brew is in use to update and manage bash and bash autocompletion.

sudo drpcli autocomplete /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/drpcli
. /usr/local/etc/bash_completion

Filtering Results for DRPCLI

There are several ways to filter DRPCLI output;

DRPCLI and API Filters

The DRPCLI passes through API filters. See API Filters for more details.

DRPCLI allows multiple filters to be passed in a single command. They are considered to be AND operations.

When passing filters via DRPCLI, you may need to protect specialized filters using quotes or single ticks.

For example, to use the not equal (Ne) filter:

drpcli machines list Name='Ne(cluster01)'
drpcli machines list Name="Ne(cluster01)"

DRPCLI and JSON Query (JQ)

DRPCLI includes a fully jq parser! Please see JQ Usage Examples for details about using JQ with DRPCLI.


Since JQ acts after results have been returned, API filters should be applied first when possible. Returning large data sets will degrade system performance.

CLI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is a specialized FAQ section for FAQ concerns. Please see the knowledge base articles for additional items.

Download Content and Plugins via Command Line

RackN maintains a catalog of open and proprietary Digital Rebar extensions at

Content downloads directly from the Catalog as JSON and can be imported directly using the DRP CLI.

drpcli contents upload catalog:task-library-tip


drpcli catalog item install task-library --version tip

Plugin downloads directly from the Catalog work as follows:

drpcli plugin_providers upload raid from catalog:raid-stable


drpcli catalog item install raid

Turn on autocomplete for the CLI

The DRP CLI has built in support to generate autocomplete (tab completion) capabilities for the BASH shell. To enable, you must generate the autocomplete script file, and add it to your system. This can also be added to your global shell rc files to enable autocompletion every time you log in. NOTE that most Linux distros do this slightly differently. Select the method that works for your distro.

You must specify a filename as an argument to the DRP CLI autocomplete command. The filename will be created with the autocomplete script. If you are writing to system areas, you need root access (e.g. via sudo).

For Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS distros
sudo drpcli autocomplete /etc/bash_completion.d/drpcli
For Mac OSX (Darwin)
sudo drpcli autocomplete /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/drpcli

Once the autocomplete file has been created, either log out and log back in, or source the created file to enable autocomplete in the current shell session (example for Linux distros, adjust accordingly):

source /etc/bash_completion.d/drpcli


If you receive an error message when using autocomplete similar to: bash: _get_comp_words_by_ref: command not found

Then you will need to install the bash-completion package. For example: sudo yum -y install bash-completion or sudo apt -y install bash-completion

You will also need to log out and then back in to your shell account to correct the bash_completion issue.

How do I upload multiple files using a zip/tar file?

The DRP files API allows exploding a compressed file, using bsdtar, after it has been uploaded. This can be very helpful when multiple files or a full directory tree are being uploaded.

This is a two stage process enabled by the --explode flag. The first stage simply uploads the compressed file to the target path and location. The second stage explodes the file in that path.

For example: drpcli files upload as mypath/ --explode

The above command will upload the file to the files /mypath location. It will also expand all the files in into /mypath after upload. All paths in will be preserved and created relative to /mypath/.