IPMI Scan Result¶
The Multi-API OOB/BMC Control defines a IPMI Scan Result Object that can be used to track the result of an IPMI scan.
Fields are:
- ScanStartAddress string - Scan start address
- ScanEndAddress string - Scan end address
- LowestScannedIndex int -The latest scanned address, this will be used in case the scan stops in the middle for some reason and needs to be restarted
- LowestScannedAddress string - The lowest scanned address which is present at the lowest scanned index
- ScanSize int - The total number of IPs being scanned
- CreatedUuids []string - A list of UUIDs created as a part of this scan
- ScanErrors []string - Any errors encountered during the range-scan
- State State - The state of the current scan, can be one of
- ScanActionJobId string - When an action is created, a job ID is automatically associated with it. This is that job ID
- ScanStartTime time.Time - The time the range-scan started running.
- ScanEndTime time.Time - The time the range-scan failed or finished.
- ScanUpdatedTime time.Time - The time the range-scan db object got updated.
- ScanWaitForComplete bool - If set to true, this scan is a blocking call and the RunAction command will wait for the scan to complete
- ScanWaitTimeoutMins time.Duration - If ScanWaitForComplete is set to true, use this to put a limit on how long to wait for the scan to complete