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govc context using container image digitalrebar-govc

The vmware-tools context is an enormous fat bloated Container image that contains pretty much every imaginable tool for interacting with and managing VMware vSphere and Cloud Foundation (VCF) API services. This context is used by several of the Workflows in the vmware-lib content pack for higher level API interaction with ESXi or vSphere vCenter and Cloud Foundation services.

The tools included are:

  • govc - Golang compiled binary from the govmomi library
  • pyvmomi - Python library
  • ovftool - for deployment of OVA appliance packages
  • powershell - for PowerShell scripted language support
  • powercli - PowerCLI addon for PowerShell
  • vmware perl libraries
  • vmware SDK Python standalone libraries (vsphere-automation-sdk-python)
  • Ansible
  • Ansible VMware Galaxy modules
  • Python3
  • various utility tools (curl, wget, git, yq, jq, etc.)
  • RackN drpcli client

The container also runs an Agent (runner) for executing Workflow stage/tasks.

Expect that the first invocation run of this Context may take as long as 1 or 2 minutes for the container to startup, as it is over 1 GB in size.