
A template to override the BLE config.txt with.

This Param allows the operator to set custom Report meta data fields for the generated Reports. The values that can be set are:

  • name - the field name to display in the report
  • value - the value of the named field for the report

These values are written in to the Blancco LUN Eraser config.txt file. Fields can only be named customN; where N must be a sequencially increasing integer; and/or the builtin values of BusinessName and BusinessLocation.

This Param uses an Object structure that follows the customN naming convention in the field, where customN is the index in the Object to obtain the field name and value data from.

  name: "Ticket"
  value: "OPS-1234"
  name: "AuthorizedBy"
  value: "Mr. Bigwig"
  "custom1": {
    "name": "Ticket",
    "value": "OPS-1234"
  "custom2": {
    "name": "AuthorizedBy",
    "value": "Mr. Bigwig"


There MUST NOT be any gaps in sequencial numbering of the field values. The operator MUST specify a properly ascending order of 'customN' fields, no internal validations are performed. Failure to do so will result in the Reports not being uploaded correctly to the Blancco Management Console service.

Any number of custom fields may be created and used as long as the numbers are sequentially incrementing. This Param limits the number of custom fields possible to 99 (eg custom1 to custom99).

The BLE product also supports the following pre-defined vendor builtin fields:

  • BusinessName
  • BusinessLocation

To utilize these built in fields, use the following format (yes, it is indeed repetitive):

  name: "BusinessName"
  value: "Acme, Corp."
  name: "BusinessLocation"
  value: "Datacenter Alpha Bravo Charlie"
  "BusinessName": {
    "name": "BusinessName",
    "value": "Acme, Corp."
  "BusinessLocation": {
    "name": "BusinessLocation",
    "value": "Datacenter Alpha Bravo Charlie"

The customN and builtin report fields can be mixed together in this Param definition.

Digital Rebar Platform defined Golang Template constructs can be used in the value definitions, allowing the reporting data to be dynamically generated by any number of standard template constructs. The following example illustrates how to use Golang Templating to generage dynamic reports based on the DRP Endpoint and the machine that the erasure process was run on.

  name: ticket
  value: '{{ .Param "my-support-ticket" }}'
  name: drp-ble-disks
  value: '{{ .Param "ble/disks" | join " " }}'
  name: drp-machine-uuid
  value: '{{ .Machine.UUID }}'
  name: drp-provisioner-address
  value: '{{ .ProvisionerAddress }}'
  name: drp-machine-name
  value: '{{ .Machine.Name }}'
  name: drp-machine-ip-address
  value: '{{ .Machine.Address }}'
  name: drp-machine-hardware-addrs
  value: '{{ .Machine.HardwareAddrs | join " " }}'
  "custom1": {
    "name": "ticket",
    "value": "{{ .Param "my-support-ticket" }}"
  "custom2": {
    "name": "drp-ble-disks",
    "value": "{{ .Param "ble/disks" | join " " }}"
  "custom3": {
    "name": "drp-machine-uuid",
    "value": "{{ .Machine.UUID }}"
  "custom4": {
    "name": "drp-provisioner-address",
    "value": "{{ .ProvisionerAddress }}"
  "custom5": {
    "name": "drp-machine-name",
    "value": "{{ .Machine.Name }}"
  "custom6": {
    "name": "drp-machine-ip-address",
    "value": "{{ .Machine.Address }}"
  "custom7": {
    "name": "drp-machine-hardware-addrs",
    "value": "{{ .Machine.HardwareAddrs | join " " }}"


Any Param value that is not a String type needs to be recast to a String value. In the above examples, the ble/disks and .Machine.HardwareAddrs are both Array/List types, and with the use of the join " " value, each list member is joined in to one string, with each list member separated by a whitespace character.

In the above example the Param named my-support-ticket is fictional and not a standard DRP based Param.