
A template to override the BLE config.txt with.

The Blancco LUN Eraser tool generates an individual wipe report for each Machine that runs the tooling which is stored on the Machine object in the Param ble/wipe-report. In addition, multiple Machines wiped at once can record the Wipe Report to a single Profile. This allows collection of a large fleet of wipe reports via a single query.

Note that it is the Operator's responsibility to coordinate which Machines simultaneously run a Wipe operation, and subsequently query the Profile after all machines have completed.

This also allows Machines to be wiped clean, and then the Machine object deleted from Digital Rebar Platform. The subsequent disk wipe operations would remain on the DRP Endpoint as recorded in this Profile.

Future features may include a Context/Cluster coordinator that can handle this process automatically.

This Params specifies only a portion (eg the tag) for the Profile name that will be used. If this Param is set to purple, then the Profile name that will be generated and used to record the Wipe Reports will be:

  • ble/wipe-report-purple

If this Param has no value set, then no aggregate Profile wipe report will be generated.


The value of this Param must be the same on all Machines for which you want to aggregate Wipe Reports to be recorded in the defined Profile.