
Cluster UUID that created the alert

This Param can be set to an array of Reservation type objects. If it is added to the bootstrap-network profile, then during the bootstrap Stage, the defined reservations will be added to the system.

The easiest way to generate a valid reservation set of objects is to create the reservation on an existing DRP Endpoint, then show the JSON structure. An example CLI command reservation named is shown below:

drpcli reservations show

Multiple Subnets may be specified (eg drpcli reservations list; to dump all reservations on a given DRP Endpoint). Each Subnet will be added to the system if they do not exist already.

Example structures of two reservations is defined below. NOTE that in real world use, more options or values may need to be set to make the subnet operationally correct for a given environment.


  - Addr:
    Token: "01:02:03:04:05:00"
  - Addr:
    Token: "01:02:03:04:05:01"


  { "Addr": "", "Token": "01:02:03:04:05:00" },
  { "Addr": "", "Token": "01:02:03:04:05:01" }

Generally speaking this process is used for initial DRP Endpoint installation with the installation script. Preparing the Subnets and Reservations in either a Content Pack or a Profile that is applied to the system at installation time will enable the creation of the Objects.

Example installation script invocation that would use this bootstrap process, assumes that network.json is provided by the operator with the network Subnet and/or Reservations definitions:

# you must create "network.json" which should be a valid Profile object, containing
# the appropriate Params and object information in each param as outlined in the
# examples in the bootstrap-network-subnets and boostrap-network-reservations
# Params "Documentation" field
curl -fsSL | bash -s -- install --universal --initial-profiles="./network.json"