
ID for Access Key (not the secret)

This Param defines how a newly created Cloud Instance should attempt to join to a DRP Endpoint for subsequent management.

The defined method will alter the Terraform plan file to use different stanzas for the appropriately selected join method. These are often done as a provisioner "local-exec" section.

Note that join-methods should generally have a method for removing the Machine object from the DRP Endpoint as a cleanup step. Typically this is done within the provisioner "local-exec" with a conditional clause like:

  • when = destroy

The following methods are supported:

  • synchronize: Utilizes the script which uses parsed state information from the Instance creation to pre-create a DRP Machine object.
  • discovery: Uses the default path of allowing a Machine to boot in to the defined unknownBootenv and subsequent defaultWorkflow, which then should create the Machine object if it doesn't already exist (based on the Fingerprint algorithms).