
Cluster UUID that created the alert

For v4.8 Cluster Pattern, this defines a map of machine types and their names. Each type can have additional parameters.

The purpose of this map is to uniquely identify the machines and allows the machines to be rotated in a controlled way.

If omitted the following items will be set via the designated Param:

  • pipeline: sets the initial pipeline or assigns from broker/set-pipeline [has safe default]
  • workflow: set the initial workflow or assigns from broker/set-workflow [has safe default]
  • icon: sets the initial Meta.icon or assigns from broker/set-icon [has safe default]
  • color: sets the initial Meta.color or assigns from broker/set-color [has safe default]
  • tags: [] but automatically includes cluster/profile
  • meta: meta data to set on the machine by cluster-add-params, if Meta.icon or Meta.color is set, it will over-write the icon/color.
  • Params: (note capitalization!): parameters to use in Terraform templates. Also set on machine during cluster-add-params

While most of these values are used only during terrafor-apply when building machines, meta and Params is used during cluster-add-params to update Meta and Params of the provisioned machines.


    - cl_awesome_1
    - cl_awesome_2
    - cl_awesome_3
    broker/set-workflow: universal-application-application-base
    broker/set-pipeline: universal-start
    broker/set-icon: server
    broker/set-color: black