Cluster UUID that created the alert
This parameter specifies the name of the OpenShift cluster being deployed. The cluster name should be DNS-compliant as it's commonly used as part of domain names for cluster services and routes.
The cluster name must: - Contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens - Start and end with a letter or number - Be 63 characters or less - Be valid as a DNS subdomain - Not contain any periods/dots
Usage Examples¶
Valid cluster names: - ocp-prod-east - cluster-dev-1 - my-company-ocp
Invalid examples: - (no dots allowed) - Cluster-1 (no uppercase) - my_cluster (no underscores) - -cluster- (cannot start or end with hyphen)
This name can be used to construct DNS names like: - api.{{ .ParamExpand "cluster/name" }}.{{ .ParamExpand "domain" }} - *.apps.{{ .ParamExpand "cluster/name" }}.{{ .ParamExpand "domain" }}