
The base URL that the Dell System Update yum repos live at.

The Dell System Update (DSU) repositories contain BIOS and firmware updates for all supported Dell servers (in the os_independent repo) as well as OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) (in the os_dependent repo).

You can find more information on DSU and the update process we take advantage of at

If the the firmware or BIOS components are mirrored, you can specify that location; however, the mirror structures must match the Dell repository layout.

If the Param dell-dsu-block-release is not set, then the Base URL will be used directly. If a specific block release is defined, then the trailing /dsu path part will be trimmed, and if not already specified, the block release version will be prefixed with DSU_.

This results in the following example scenarios:

  • dell-dsu-block-release = "" =
  • dell-dsu-block-release = "20.08.01" =
  • dell-dsu-block-release = "DSU_19.09.01" =