
The base URL that the Dell System Update yum repos live at.

Dell releases updates to its firmware on a block schedule (usually once a month) and the tooling assumes that all firmware in a block should be installed together. You can use this param to pin firmware and tools at a specific release, or you can leave it unspecified to allow tools and updates to be installed from the latest block release.

Block releases are named according to the following format:

  • YY.MM.NN


  • YY is the last two digits of the year
  • MM is the month
  • NN is the nth release in a month, starting at 00

An example value:

  • 20.08.01

Block release versions can be found at:



The repo mirror directories contain the prefix DSU_ in front of the BlocK Release number. This will be automatically added, if not specified in the dell-dsu-block-release Param value.