
Defines any additional command line options to pass to ansible for playbooks

In some cases during Multi-Site Manager (MSM) operations, it is necessary to provide explicit DRP Endpoint information to authenticate operations when running Tasks across different DRP Endpoints in a federated cluster of DRP Endpoints.

This Param is a simple string, that by default is empty. Adding values to it will be injected in supported Tasks between the drpcli and second level options, as follows:

  • `drp/auth-override: "-x -E {{ .ApiURL }} -U rocketskates -P my-pass"

which as an example, would be used in supported Tasks like:

  • drpcli {{ .ParamExpand "drp/auth-override" }} machines ... etc ...

This allows the Task to manipulate Machine objects on downstream DRP Endpoint managed Machines; i.e. Machines not directly connected to the current DRP Endpoint that the Task is running via.

By default this task will obscure the contents of the setting in the Portal as it may contain passwords, however, it does not use a Secure Param to encrypt it.