
Set the ESXi software install acceptance level.

This Param allows an operator to create a list of additional Templates to include during the ESXi kickstart installation phase. Kicstarts support three additional installation phases supported by this Param:

  • %pre
  • %post
  • %firstboot

Each phase can use busybox (shell) or python interpreter to implement customizations. This results in the "phase" types that you can set as follows:

  • pre-busybox
  • pre-python
  • post-busybox
  • post-python
  • fistboot-busybox
  • fistboot-python


At this time, this tooling does not support the %post --nochroot capability.

To inject custom kickstart directives, see the esxi/ks-custom-kickstart param.

Each "phase" has a an array of various templates that can be injected in that given phase to build up the Kickstart file. Below is an example:

YAML Example:

    - "my-pre-busybox-chunk1.ks.tmpl"
    - "my-pre-busybox-chunk2.ks.tmpl"
    - "my-post-python3-chunk2.ks.tmpl"
    - "my-fistboot-busybox-chunk1.ks.tmpl"

JSON Example:

  "firstboot-busybox": [
  "post-python": [
  "pre-busybox": [


WARNING for "python" interpreter template types, you must ensure you use the correct python2 or python3 code for the given version of ESXi you are kickstart installing. Don't blame us for that ...