
Flash jobs in the Dell Lifecycle Controller that have not finished.


This is a potentially dangerous thing to do. Only use this as a very last resort to force the Manufacturer to be identified for the flash process.

This Param allows the operator to override the default discovered Manufacturer for the flash process. Some system DMI data structures are not correclty filled out, and the flash process will fail.

First, verify that the gohai-inventory Param exists on the Machine object, and that the DMI --> System --> Manufacturer does not have a value set in it, or is not matching correctly. If there is no gohai-inventory param, run the Machine through a proper Discovery workflow first, then re-verify the Manufacturer value.

The flash system uses the following command to get the manufacturer from the DMI data:

  • drpcli gohai | jq -r '.DMI | .System | .Manufacturer'

The drpcli gohai command must be run on the target Machine.

In some cases, the vendor may iterate a different Manufacturer value than is tested for in the script. However, in these cases, please check with RackN to verify if the system is compatible with the Flash process.

Review the flash-discover task. Observe the BASH case $mfgr in statement for the exact values that are supported. Some possible examples include:

  • Dell Inc.
  • HP or HPE
  • Lenovo