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The color to use for the haproxy backend nodes

This parameter is used to set per-service frontend specific configuration options, such as connection mode. Additionally, the data structure allows a config key which allows the user to pass any arbitrary data to the haproxy.cfg frontend stanza.

Refer to the full documentation for all directives supported by HA Proxy: :

  • mode - accepts one of: tcp, http, or log
  • config - alows the user to pass any config directives specified in the documentation

The following example will ensure the http frontend definition will set the mode to http and the http8080 frontend definition will contain "mode tcp" will bind on port 8099 on localhost. (note that the a mode defined in a config stanza will not be verified for correctness. This is done to demonstrate different methods of passing arbitrary config directives, but the recommended method to set the mode is using the mode keyword property.)


default: http: mode: http http8080: config: | mode tcp bind