
A map of ssh public keys to install for the root user

This parameter defines how nics created by the network/interface-topology param should have their addressing and routing configured. It consists of an object whose keys are netplan IDs and whose values are objects containing values listed in

Any netplan IDs listed here that are not present in network/interface-topology will be treated like they refer to ethernet devices with the same name as the netplan id.

The default value of this parameter is:

  dhcp4: true

which specifies that we should write out a configuration that has the interface we booted from configure itself using DHCPv4.

When the network configuration on a machine is generated using the drpcli net generate command, the configuration for the netplan IDs are merged with the coresponding netplan IDs in the net/interface-topology param, with any extra IDs being added as-is to the ethernets section of that param. Note that a netplan ID is not necessarily the same thing as a device name, nor does it have to uniquely map to a single device. For example, if we have a net/interface-topology of

  version: 2
        name: onboard:*

we can have all of them use DHCP4 and 6 to get their addresses like so:

  dhcp4: true
  dhcp6: true