Subscription channel for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management operator
OpenShift CLI Download URL¶
This parameter specifies the URL for downloading the OpenShift Command Line Interface (oc) and kubectl binaries. These tools are essential for cluster management and interaction.
- URL must point to a valid OpenShift CLI tarball
- Version must match openshift/version parameter
- Must be accessible from the provisioning node
- Must be Linux binaries (tools are run on the provisioning node)
The default URL template uses the DRP provisioner and openshift/version:
# Default format
{{.ProvisionerURL}}/files/redhat/openshift/oc-{{.ParamExpand "openshift/version"}}-linux.tar.gz
# Example with version 4.15.6
Notes: - The tarball contains both 'oc' and 'kubectl' binaries - CLI version must match the cluster version - Tools are automatically downloaded during cluster deployment - Can be overridden to use a custom mirror or cached binaries