
The template to use for configuring the NAT Add Bridge network.

This parameter defines the Package selection list to install initially. This list should contain at least proxmox-ve and any necessary supporting packages.

If the operator overrides the Default values specified in this Param, all packages must be specified in the updated Param values.

The list is a space separated string that must contain valid Debian package names. These packages must be available in the default repos unless additional apt repos have been setup and initialized prior to this task run.


The default workflows assume postfix and samba packages are installed (as specified by proxmox requirements). There are special tasks for staging apt-set-selections to automate these package installation successfully. If additional packages requiring input are added, the operator must implement a set of apt-set-selections appropriate to that package.

This Param defaults to:

  • proxmox-ve postfix openvswitch-switch open-iscsi vim wget curl jq ifupdown2 lldpd

If the operator sets any values to this Param, you MUST ALSO INCLUDE THESE AS THEY ARE REQUIRED.

This should likely be adjusted in the future to not allow these to be overridden.