
The template to use for configuring the NAT Add Bridge network.

This param is used to define the configuration for the various backend storage on a Proxmox host.

The Param is an object, with a Key for the type of storage, based on supported setup configurations in Tasks, following with another key that is specific to the given instace configuration. This allows for support of multiple objects of the same type.

    device: /dev/sdb
    vgname: pve
    thinpool: data
    content: rootdir,images
    size: 95%FREE
    maxfiles: "7"
    path: /var/lib/images
    content: images,iso
    path: /var/lib/vz
    content: iso,vztmpl,backup
    format: qcow2,vmdk
    path: /mnt/backup
    content: backup
    prune-backups: keep-all=0,keep-daily=7,keep-hourly=24

!!! warning:: You may not specify a dir type with name of local, this is a reserved Dir type of storage. Doing so will cause a fatal error in the Workflow and stop workflow processing.

The following types have not yet been implemented yet.

  • lvm, zfspool, btrfs, nfs, cifs, pbs, glusterfs, cephfs, iscsi, iscsidirect, rbd, zfs

For Storage configuration details, see the Proxmox documentation at:



This object type does not yet contain a Schema for validation of the configuration. Field values in each segment directly map to Proxmox Storage configuration directives, use the documentation for guidelines, and follow the example defined above. However, some values may be helpers specific to a task (eg device: /dev/sdb, defines to create the LVM Thinpool using the backing Device specified).

A future implementation example for ZFS Pool configuration might look like:

    pool: rpool/data
    sparse: true
    content: images,rootdir

If no values are specified (the default), then the product default of LVM-Thin type storage will be set up based on the proxmox/storage-device and proxmox/storage-name Param settings.