
The template to use for configuring the NAT Add Bridge network.

This is an IP address that MUST BE routable inside your organization, to reach the Virtual Machines allcoated on the Hypervisor. The Subnet will be added on the Hypervisor and each Virtual Machine will be provisioned with an IP address from this network.

IF this method is used, you generally will have to either SSH forward to the Proxmox Hypervisor, install a VPN service of some sort on the Hypervisor, or arrange for your external Networking devices (routers/switches) to route this IP block to the addressable interface of the Proxmox Hypervisor.

The default is

If you wish to assign IP addresses to your VMs via a bridged interface on the Proxmox Hypervisor, DO NOT use this method, instead, use the Network configuration task named network-simple-bridge-with-addressing.

The subnet must be in CIDR Notation (eg, and the Network address set in the CIDR (eg the ".0" part). The Hypervisor will be assigned the first IP address in the network, and used as the Default Route for the DRP Endpoint Virtual Machines.