
A map of tool name to archive location

Each field in a volume specification is defined as follows:

  • Controller: an integer that specifies which discovered controller the RAID volume should be created on. drp-raid orders controllers based on PCI address. This value defaults to 0, indicating that the volume will be built on the first discovered controller.

  • RaidLevel: A string value that specifies what level of RAID to build. RaidLevel must be present in all volspecs, and it has no default. Valid RaidLevels are:

    • "jbod": All disks in this volspec should be turned into JBOD volumes. If a given RAID controller does not support jbod mode, a single-disk RAID0 will be created for each disk instead.
    • "concat": The disks should be concatenated.
    • "raid0": Make a RAID0 with the chosen disks.
    • "raid1": Make a RAID1 with the chosen disks.
    • "raid5": Make a RAID5 with the chosen disks.
    • "raid6": Make a RAID6 with the chosen disks.
    • "raid00": Make a RAID00 with the chosen disks.
    • "raid10": Make a RAID10 with the chosen disks.
    • "raid1e": Make a RAID1e with the chosen disks.
    • "raid50": make a RAID50 with the chosen disks.
    • "raid60": make a RAID60 with the chosen disks.
    • "raidS": Works like jbod, but makes raid0 volumes.

    Not all RAID controllers will support the above RAID levels, and with the exception of jbod if a RAID level is not supported then volume creation will fail.

  • Disks: A list of physical disk specifiers that indicate which physical disks should be used to create the volume. When creating a volume by specifying individual disks, you are responsible for making sure that the choice of disks is sane for the desired controller. If Disks is specified, then DiskCount is ignored and drp-raid will not perform more than minimal sanity checking on the disks provided. Each entry in the Disks list must contain the following fields:

    • "Enclosure": a string that identifies which enclosure the disk is in.
    • "Slot": a number that identifies which slot in the Enclosure the desired physical disk is in.
  • DiskCount: The number of disks that should be used to build the desired volume. DiskCount can be one of the following:

    • "min", which indicates that the smallest number of disks that can be used for the requested RaidLevel whould be used.
    • "max", which indicates that the largest number of disks with the same Type and Protocol should be used.
    • A positive integer.

    If DiskCount is unspecified and Disks is also unspecified, DiskCount will default to "min".

  • Size: A string value that indicates what the desired total useable size of the RAID array should be. When you let drp-raid decide what physical disks to pick for volume creation, it will pick the smallest disks that can be used to satisfy the volume creation request. Size can be one of the following values:

    • "min", which will pick the smallest disks that meet the rest of the constraints in the volspec.
    • "max", which will pick the largest disks that meet the rest of the constraints in the volspec.
    • A string containing a human-readable size (100 MB, 1 TB, 5 PB).

    If Size is unspecified or left blank, it will default to "max".

  • Type: A comma-seperated list of disk types that should be tried in order when creating a volume. Currently, individual items can be "disk" for rotational disks, and "ssd" for solid-state disks. If unspecified, "disk,ssd" will be used. All physical disks in a created volume will be of the same type, and it is perrmitted to have a list with one entry.

  • Protocol: A comma-seperated list of low-level protocols that should be tried in order when creating a volume. Currently, individual items can be "sata" for disks that communicate using the SATA protocol, and "sas" for disks that communicate using the SAS protocol. All physical disks in a created volume will communicate using the same protocol, and it is perrmitted to have a list with one entry.

  • StripeSize: A string containing the human-readable size of each individual stripe in the RAID array. It is generally a power of two less than or equal to 1 MB. If unspecified, it defaults to "64 KB".

  • Name: The desired name of the volume, if the RAID controller supports naming volumes. Naming a volume is currently unsupported.

  • VolumeID: The controller-specific ID of the created volume.

  • Bootable: A boolean value indicating whether this volume should be the default one the RAID controller will use when booting the system. Defaults to false, and Bootable support is currently not implemented.

  • Encrypt: Whether the volume should be transparently encrypted by the RAID controller. This requires controller-specific setup.

  • AllowMixedSizes: Whether we will create a volume that spans physical disks of wildly mixed sizes. By default, we will fail if we pick disks underlying a volume that vary in size by more than 10%.