
OpenSCAP packages, profile, and settings during OS Install

Specifies additional Redhat Subscription Network information used by the installation process to register systems during installs.

The subscription must be activated in advance for systems to be registered during installation. This is typically done through the RHSM web portal, or other tools.


The redhat/rhsm-organization and redhat/rhsm-activation-key values are required Params if the install time activation is requested.

The activation key is specific to each machine being activated, it must not be applied to any more than one Machine.

The additional RHSM install time options can be added to the kickstart rhsm directive via the use of this Param. Specify the free-form command line options to supplement the Organization and Activation details.

Example value for this string:

  • --connect-to-insights --proxy=https://proxy.local:8080

The currently documented list of options are as follows:

--organization=       - Uses the organization id to register and install RHEL from the CDN.
--activation-key=     - Uses the activation key to register and install RHEL from the CDN.
                        Multiple keys can be used, as long as the activation keys are
                        registered to your subscription.
--connect-to-insights - Connects the target system to Red Hat Insights.
--proxy=              - Sets the HTTP proxy.
--server-hostname=    - Sets the server hostname. Use this option if you are running
                        Satellite Server or performing internal testing.
--rhsm-baseurl=       - Sets the rhs