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Cluster UUID that created the alert

Mount Attached Storage

Ordered list of of devices to attempt mounting from the OS.

storage/mount-devices task will attempt to mount all the drives in the list in in order. If the desired mount point is already in use then the code will skip attempting to assign it.

This design allows operators to specific multiple mount points or have a single point with multiple potential configurations.

  • rebuilt will wide and rebuild the mount
  • reset will rm -rf all files if UUID changes


    disk: "/dev/mmcblk0",
    partition: "/dev/mmcblkp1",
    mount: "/mnt/storage",
    type: "xfs",
    rebuild: true,
    reset: true,
    comment: "example"
    disk: "/dev/sda",
    partition: "/dev/sda1",
    mount: "/mnt/storage",
    type: "xfs",
    rebuild: true,
    reset: true,
    comment: "put something here"