
A map of ssh public keys to install for the root user

This Parameter will attempt to break out of the controlling Tasks loop construct if set to true.

It is important to note that a Task script must be configured to use this Param flag as part of it's code. It is generally used inside loop constructs to test if the controlling script should be exited with an error by operator intervention.

To use this construct, the Task must have the Template named task-breakout-of-loop.sh.tmpl included inside the controlling loop. An example implementation:

# to exit this loop, set 'Runnable: false' or set
# Machine Param 'task-breakout-of-loop' to 'true'.
while :
    {{ template "task-breakout-of-loop.sh.tmpl" . }}
    echo "infinite loop"
    sleep 5

If the Param on the Machine is set as follows:

  • task-breakout-of-loop: true

Then on the next iteration of the loop, the script will exit with error code 1.

Additionally, the template will evaluate the Machine's Runnable field. If false, the script will break out with an error code, regardless of the Param value setting.