
This param specifies how certain Validation tasks should ultimately fail.

Set this param to the name of a validation failure function to specify how certain validation tasks are recorded, which will impact the final exit and continued task running.


  • validation_add_error (default value)
  • validation_add_error_ignore

This Param is a free-form String type, as the Validation functions can be dynamically expanded, so an Enum list can not be safely provided. Ensure you specify a validation failure mode correctly in this param.

This Param should only be set to a value of a Function in the validation system that records the errors, but does not directly exit (eg no exit 0 or exit 1 type exit codes in the function).

The default will be to validation_add_error.

For instance, if this Param is set to validation_add_error_ignore, then errors will be recorded on the validation/errors-ignore Param. This Param defines the validation-stop processing should not exit with an error (eg ignore) the errors and continue workflow/task processing.