
EXAMPLE govc command profile


THIS IS AN EXAMPLE - you must modify values to fit your local environment appropriately.

Runs govc to deploy a test VCSA deployment. Requires that the VCSA configuration JSON file be saved to the context container as /tmp/template.json prior to the command being run. The JSON configuration should be saved to a Template on the system, and then added to the Param with the name ova/param-json.

The govc-command task reads the ova/param-json if it has been specified; and writes the referenced template to the temporary json location.

The govc/username and govc/password values are required for the vSphere ESXi node that the OVA is being deployed to, for API authentication.

The govc/url should be the IP Address or correctly resolving DNS hostname of the vSphere ESXi node to deploy the OVA to.