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Profile to bootstrap the Cisco HUU hardware lifecycle (HWLC) management tools.

The Cisco HUU (Hardware Update Utility) bootstrap process adds a Context Container with the tools for managing Cisco rack mount servers.

This Profile provides bootstrap of a Digital Rebar Platform (DRP) server for advanced operation, adding support for:

  • cisco-huu - downloads context containers (cisco-huu-runner)

For initial Digital Rebar Platform (DRP) server install, use the argument as follows to add the cisco-runner context:

  • install --universal --initial-contents=cisco-support --initial-profiles=bootstrap-cisco-huu

Multiple initial-contents and initial-profiles may be specified by using commas (no spaces), to add multiple elements at once.

If the DRP Endpoint server has already been installed, you can re-bootstrap the contexts. To do so, perform the following steps:

  • go to the Machines menu
  • select the self runner Machine (should be the same name as the DRP Endpoint ID)
  • ensure the self runner Machine is unlocked and in Workflow mode (not Workorder mode)
  • add the Profile bootstrap-cisco-huu to the self runner Machine
  • in the Editor, select the Workflow universal-bootstrap (requires universal content installed)
  • if the self runner Machine is already in this Workflow, then just hit the Start Workflow button in the upper left
  • the Activity panel job logs for bootstrap-contexts should show the status of the bootstrap operation

For additional details on the Cisco Hardware support in DRP, please see the documentation located at:


For additional details on Context Containers, please see the documentation at:
