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OpenShift Bootstrap Node Configuration Profile

OpenShift Worker Node Profile

This profile configures worker nodes that run application workloads in the OpenShift cluster. Worker nodes provide the compute, memory, and storage resources for user applications and containers.


  • Minimum 2 vCPUs per node
  • Minimum 8GB RAM per node
  • Minimum 100GB disk space
  • Network access to:
  • Port 80 (HTTP Ingress)
  • Port 443 (HTTPS Ingress)
  • Container runtime storage configuration
  • Scalable based on workload demands


This profile is automatically applied to worker nodes and configures:

# Profile configures:
- HAProxy backend services:
  * ingress-router-443: port 443
  * ingress-router-80: port 80
- Health check intervals
- Service discovery settings

Worker nodes can be added or removed to scale the cluster's compute capacity. Hardware specifications can vary based on workload requirements.