
Migrate virtual NIC (vmk) from Standard vSwitch to Distributed vSwitch

This task executes a series of govc calls in a container context. The govc command is defined via the Param govc/commands, which is required for this task. The govc/commands Param is an array of govc command to execute in the container.

The operator must also specify the remote vSphere ESXi or vCenter resource to connect to, to execute govc commands against. This is accomplished by setting the govc/url Param, and the individual govc/username, govc/password, and optionally govc/port (if using a non-standard Port).

See the documentation for each of those Params for more details.

If an OVA file is found inside the container at /ova/import.ova, and if the base argument of import.ova is found in the govc command, then the path and OVA name will be appended to the command sequence.

Documentation and usage examples for govc can be found on the GoVMOMI website at:


Only a single OVA deploy action (import.ova) can be specified in the command sequnce.