
Migrate virtual NIC (vmk) from Standard vSwitch to Distributed vSwitch

Build a VSAN cluster. Requires at minimum; the following Params to be set:

  • esxi/vsan-enabled - set to 'true' to enable VSAN cluster building (defaults to 'false')
  • esxi/cluster-name - on each ESXi host that will become part of the cluster
  • esxi/cluster-profile - the name of a Profile that will store Cluster state data
  • esxi/vsan-operations - the Operations to perform on the VSAN cluster

The primary three operations that are run on VSAN clusters:

  1. cluster-build - create a cluster, assumes clean unconfigured state
  2. cluster-destroy - wipe a cluster out completely
  3. cluster-list - show the current cluster vSAN network and cluster state