
Creates a critical alert if a bootstrap Task failure occurs.

Sets the machine/type parameter for other tasks to use later.

If a base hardware profile for the given physical machine Manufacturer exists, also add that to the Machine. This is used for Hardware Lifecycle management tasks (BIOS, Firmware, RAID, etc); typically in the universal-hardware Workflow.

Known hardware manufacturers will be remapped to a common Profile name, as follows:

  • Lenovo mapped to hw-lv-base
  • HPE or HP mapped to hw-hp-base
  • Dell Inc. mapped to hw-dell-base
  • innotek GmbH mapped to hw-virtualbox-base
  • SolidFire mapped to hw-sf-base

Any other platform not listed above will be mapped to hw-<MFG>-base with only spaces remapped to underscore characters.

The initial value is derived from the Manfufacturer value found in the systems DMI data structure (under .DMI.System.Manufacturer).