Create an ubuntuhammer tarball and profile from the staged bits.
This task places a few static assets that are needed for the ubuntuhammer start-up process. It handles the following assets:
- ubuntuhammer-start-up.sh
This script is run as a systemd service once ubuntuhammer has started. It is responsible for making sure the image was booted with the necessary kernel parameters and then downloading and executing the machine-independent startup script from dr-provision.
- ubuntuhammer-motd
This sets the default login banner.
- ubuntuhammer-ssh-config
This sets the default sshd configuration. We default to allowing root logins only via key based authentication and allowing sftp.
- ubuntuhammer-service
This is the systemd unit file that is responsible for starting ubuntuhammer-start-up.sh when ubuntuhammer boots. It waits until the network has been configured and is online before starting.