
Run VMware vSphere SDDC Cluster Configuration operations.

This workflow first stages the a specified OVA inside the container context, creates an appliance from teh deployed OVA via the govc command, and then waits for the API services to become available.

This process can take upwards of 60 minutes to complete.

The deployment is controlled by the following Param settings.

OVA location param

  • govc-ova-location = URL location of the OVA appliance

vSphere ESXi deployment target


  • govc/url = URL for the vSphere target to deploy the OVA to (eg. ESXi or vCenter)
  • govc/username = Username on the vSphere target to deploy to
  • govc/password = Password on the vSphere target to deploy to
  • govc-ova-location = URL location of the OVA appliance


  • govc/port = optional non-standard port of the govc/url
  • govc/ova-type = used (along with govc/ova-version) to create custom rules
  • govc/ova-version = used (along with govc/ova-type) to create custom rules

The VCSA OVA file must be staged and made available, and referenced in the govc/ova-location Param. See the full documentation for additional configuration Params that are available.


The govc-stage-ova Stage downloads and stages an OVA based on the govc/ova-location URL.