
[DEPRECATED] Bootstrap Advanced Install

This workflow will migrate a machine from one endpoint to another.

A profile called migrate-machine can be created. It will not be added to the machine on the new endpoint.

The following parameters are required:

  • migrate-machine/new-drp-server-api-url: URL to the endpoint (https://localhost:8092 as an example.)
  • migrate-machine/new-drp-server-token: An token for the new endpoint that can create/modify profiles and machines.

The following optional parameters will skip certain steps that are recommended.

  • migrate-machine/skip-content-check: If set to true, task will skip verifying if the content is the same between both endpoints.
  • migrate-machine/skip-profiles: If set to true, task will skip creating new profiles. Any profiles on the old machine will be lost when created on the new endpoint.

The following parameters should not be added or changed manually.

  • migrate-machine/new-drp-server-complete: The task will not migrate if set to true. It defaults to false.
  • migrate-machine/old-enpoint-url: Used to clean up the old endpoint after migration.
  • migrate-machine/old-endpoint-token: Used to clean up the old endpoint after migration.

The migrate-machine task does the following:

  • gathers machine information on the old endpoint.
  • normally checks the contents and versions are the same. This can be skipped with the migrate-machine/skip-content-check parameter.
  • normally checks for profiles on the machine that don't exist and creates them on the new endpoint. This can be skipped with the migrate-machine/skip-profiles parameter.
  • creates a new machine with the same UUID.
  • updates the machine's parameter
  • updates the drp-agent config with new endpoint and machine token on the new endpoint.
  • restarts the agent

At this point the task restarts and catches the migrate-machine/complete is set to true and runs the following on the new endpoint:

  • Deletes all jobs related to the machine on the old endpoint.
  • Removes the machine from the old endpoint.