
Build a new Sledghahmmer image

Sledghammer is the OS image Digital Rebar uses for discovery, inventory, and hardwre configuration. Sledgehammer is based on the current alma-8 boot environment, and requires that bootenv to be present and functional to operate.

You can customize the Sledgehammer build process by adding updated versions of the follwing Params to the machine you will run this workflow on:

  • sledgehammer/extra-packages
  • sledgehammer/unwanted-packages
  • sledgehammer/unwanted-kernel-modules
  • sledgehammer/disable-services
  • sledgehammer/enable-services
  • sledgehammer/customize-tasks

Please refer to the documentation for each of those parameters for information on what they are and what they allow you to change.

Once this workflow has finished building a new image, it will upload it to dr-provision along with a profile that will allow you to start using the new image immediately, and then power off the machine that was used to build the image.