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::: {.index} pair: Digital Rebar Provision; Release Process :::

Release Summaries

RackN creates a high level summary for the each release that includes the major deliverables, highlights and objectives for each release.

::: {.toctree includehidden="" maxdepth="1" reversed="" titlesonly="" glob=""} rel_notes/summaries/* :::

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

The following Digital Rebar security issues are being tracked by the RackN team. Issues are tracked based on the date reported. Issues are addressed only in the release(s) specified: operators should not assume items are back ported unless explicity indicated.

If you have security concerns or questions, please consult the rs_security_faq page.

To report an issue:

::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} security/* :::

Version Strategy

Generally, Digital Rebar aims to have frequent (quarterly) releases. Releases are feature, not date driven.

Version Scheme

There are two named releases and many semantic versioned releases.

  • tip - This is the currently built master code. It follows the bleeding edge of the trees.
  • stable - This is the default release used by install. It follows to most recently released code.

The other releases follow the v\<Major>.\<Minor>.\<Patch> format. e.g. v3.0.0

The rs_install process will default to stable but can be modified to use other releases.

The full version string generated by the build tool looks like this:

  • v4.0.1 - A stable patch release
  • v4.0.2-dev.1+gd012b1d6ba892c96c81c24ee93b668591663ca5c - A development tip build at this commit. A potential v4.0.2 candidate.

The base form is semver tag, extra pieces, gits ahead of the current stable, and the actual git commit checksum.

The following are the pre-v4 schemas. They are being phased out, but may still be seen.

  • v3.0.0-tip-galthaus-dev-19-d012b1d6ba892c96c81c24ee93b668591663ca5c - a development tip build by a dev.
  • v3.0.0-tip-16-e1fa235dc28f7d278bc34a0d4db87c306d9d3ba8 - A published tip build that is 16 commits ahead.
  • v3.0.0-0-821108c416dfc1486919baa52dae284975d2ad8b - A stable release

The dr-provision server reports its version on start-up or can be queried by running:

dr-provision --version

The drpcli client reports its version by running:

drpcli version

Release Process

Each dev build will generate a new tip release and report that in the catalog. These builds will be available through the catalog as well.

Additionally, as releases cut at stable points, the stable build in the catalog will update to the most recent tagged build. Both the stable and tagged build will be available through the catalog.

Release Details

The following are the release notes for the trees.


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/drp/* :::


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/drp-server/* :::


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/drp-plugins/* :::


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/drp-content/* :::


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/rackn-plugins/* :::


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/rackn-cohesity/* :::


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/rackn-solidfire/* :::


::: {.toctree maxdepth="1" glob=""} rel_notes/rackn-ux/* :::