
AlmaLinux-8 installer that points to the latest Alma 8 release.

Normal option of this bootenv is to provision physical services using sledgehammer.

To join EXISTING machines or CLOUD machines into DRP, you can use run Add the following line to the machines initialization script:

curl -kfsSL [internal ip]:8091/machines/ | sudo bash --

To join EXISTING machines or CLOUD machines running ESXi into DRP, you can use To run this you will first need to install 2 packages RackN provides in vib or component format that have been signed by VMware. You will need the DRP-Firewall-Rule and the DRP-Agent packages. These packages are available on your local DRP endpoint. Before those packages can be installed a partial configuration file will need to be placed on the HostSystem. These steps will need to be done in order. The following commands can be run from the HostSystem you plan to join to DRP.

RKN_DIR=$(localcli --formatter json storage filesystem list|python -c "import sys,json;x=json.load(sys.stdin);y=[i for i in x if i['Type']=='vfat' in i['Type'].lower()];print(y[0]['Mount Point'])")/rackn
mkdir -p $RKN_DIR
# For 6.x
wget -O [internal ip]:8091/files/plugin_providers/vmware/6.x/
wget -O [internal ip]:8091/files/plugin_providers/vmware/6.x/
# For 7.x
wget -O DRP-Agent.vib [internal ip]:8091/files/plugin_providers/vmware/7.x/
wget -O [internal ip]:8091/files/plugin_providers/vmware/7.x/

wget [internal ip]:8091/files/plugin_providers/vmware/drpy.conf
localcli software vib install -d ./
localcli software vib install -d ./

Next you can download the join up script, and then run it:

wget [internal ip]:8091/machines/

When this process completes you will get output letting you know the machine was added to inventory.