
OpenSCAP packages, profile, and settings during OS Install

Specifies the Redhat Subscription Manager based syspurpose configuration directive for Kickstart installations. This is used only in Redhat 9 and newer based Kickstarts.

The param is a set of key and value pairs that are converted to the Kickstart syspurpose command format. The basic structure is:

  • key: value

Each key is turned in to double dash argument flag (eg --key=value) set of arguments appended to the syspurpose kickstart directive. For example:

  • syspurpose --key=value

As of January 2024, the only supported arguments are:

  • role
  • sla
  • usage

To achieve a syspurose definition as follows:

  • syspurpose --role="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" --sla="Premium" --usage="Production"

Example in JSON format:

"redhat/kickstart-syspurpose": {
    "role": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server",
    "sla": "Premium",
    "usage": "Production"

Example in YAML format:

  role: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server"
  sla: "Premium"
  usage: "Production"

By default no syspurpose directive will be set in the kickstart unless this Parameter is defined during installtion time.

This Parameter is only used in RHEL Server 9 kickstart templates. Additional information and documentation can be found on Redhat's website at:
