
Cluster UUID that created the alert

This Param is an array of wildcard patterns of Profile names that should be deleted from a Machine object.

If no values are specified, no profiles will be removed from the system. The Task profile-cleanup can also optionally skip removing the Profiles if set to true. Setting the skip to true will still print the pattern matched profiles on the given machine before exiting with a success error code. This allows for development testing to determine (by the Job Log contents), what Profiles would have been removed from the system.

Regex patterns are PCRE as implemented in jq in the match() function. For documentation on them, see:

Please note that to explicitly match a single Profile name, you must anchor the pattern with a begin/end anchor, like:

  • ^profile-name-to-match$

Not doing so can result in the following selection pattern:

  • foo-bar

Incorrectly matching any profiles with that pattern contained in it, for example

  • baz-foo-bar
  • foo-bar-blatz

The correct exact match for a Profile named foo-bar, would be formed like:

  • ^foo-bar$

By default no Profile names or patterns are specified.