
A map of ssh public keys to install for the root user

This provides a list of repositories to install packages from. It includes dedicated OS installation repositories and more general ones.

An example:

- tag: "centos-7-install" # Every repository needs a unique tag.
  # A repository can be used by multiple operating systems.
  # The usual example of this is the EPEL repository, which
  # can be used by all of the RHEL variants of a given generation.
    - "centos-7"
  # We also need to know what system architecture this repo is for.
  # If this repo is valid for all arches (like a Debian or Ubuntu
  # mirror), this can be set to "any", although it cannot be
  # an installSource if that is the case
  arch: x86_64
  # If installSource is true, then the URL points directly
  # to the location we should use for all OS install purposes
  # save for fetching kernel/initrd pairs from (for now, we will
  # still assume that they will live on the DRP server).
  # When installSounrce is true, the os field must contain a single
  # entry that is an exact match for the bootenv's OS.Name field.
  installSource: true
  # For redhat-ish distros when installSource is true,
  # this URL must contain distro, component, and arch components,
  # and as such they do not need to be further specified.
  url: ""
- tag: "centos-7-everything"
  # Since installSource is not true here,
  # we can define several package sources at once by
  # providing a distribution and a components section,
  # and having the URL point at the top-level directory
  # where everything is housed.
  # DRP knows how to expand repo definitions for CentOS and
  # ScientificLinux provided that they follow the standard
  # mirror directory layout for each distro.
    - centos-7
  arch: x86_64
  url: ""
  distribution: "7"
    - atomic
    - centosplus
    - cloud
    - configmanagement
    - cr
    - dotnet
    - extras
    - fasttrack
    - opstools
    - os
    - paas
    - rt
    - sclo
    - storage
    - updates
- tag: "debian-9-install"
    - "debian-9"
  arch: amd64
  installSource: true
  # Debian URLs always follow the same rules, no matter
  # whether the OS install flag is set.  As such,
  # you must always also specify the distribution and
  # at least the main component, although you can also
  # specify other components.
  url: ""
  distribution: stretch
    - main
    - contrib
    - non-free
- tag: "debian-9-backports"
    - "debian-9"
  arch: any
  url: ""
  distribution: stretch-updates
    - main
    - contrib
    - non-free
- tag: "debian-9-security"
    - "debian-9"
  arch: any
  url: ""
  securitySource: true
  distribution: stretch/updates
    - contrib
    - main
    - non-free