
A map of ssh public keys to install for the root user

This provides a list of packages to be installed during a CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, and compatible package based kickstart install. Here is an example of how to override the default packages used for CentOS:

{"centos": ["@core", "openssh"]}
  - "@core"
  - openssh

This Param may be used in the kickstart templates. Selections will be based on the following first-match rulesets:

  • an exact match with the BootEnv name (.Env.OS.Name) (eg centos-7.8.2003)
  • the .Env.OS.Codename plus the Major version specified in .Env.OS.Version, formed as codename-version (eg ol-8)
  • the .Env.OS.Codename (eg fedora)
  • the Env.OS.Family plus the Major version specified in Env.OS.Version, formed as familyname-version (eg redhat-9)
  • the Env.OS.Family (eg redhat)
  • no match found use unknown specified packages