
Defines a series of commands to run on NAPALM managed device.

NOTE - NOT USED using simple params at this time ... leaving this for potential future use.

This data structure defines the necessary configuration details for NAPALM drivers to utilize for connecting to remote switch resources.

The datastructure is an object with one or more field and value sections in each object name. Each object is the configuration reference for a given switch.

The field/value pairs are specific to each NAPALM driver type. See the documentation at:

The general data structure follows the below pattern:

```yaml switch-reference: hostname: hostname or IP address of switch username: switch username password: password for username driver: napalm driver to use optional-args: optional args ````

Example in YAML:

  hostname: ""
  username: "automation"
  password: "password"
  driver: "eos"
  hostname: ""
  username: "automation"
  password: "password"
  driver: "eos"
  optional-args: '{"port": 12443}'

Example in JSON:

  "veos-1": {
    "hostname": "",
    "username": "automation",
    "password": "password",
    "driver": "eos"
  "veos-2": {
    "hostname": "",
    "username": "automation",
    "password": "password",
    "driver": "eos"
    "optional-args": '{"port": 12443}'

In the above examples, two separate switches are configured to use the EOS NAPALM driver, with the specified username, password, and hostname arguments.

Note that the optional-args field must use the correct optional arguments format appropriate to the specific driver type. In this case, it's a JSON stanza, but must be properly quote protected to encode it as a DRP String type Param.