
Set the ESXi software install acceptance level.

If specified, the template will dynamically generate a random password. This will be recorded in the insecure param esxi/insecure-password, then converted to a SHA512 hash value used to set the root/admin password.

Future iterations of this may include the ability to store the generated password on a remote password keeper, secrets vault, or whatever.


If the esxi/insecure-password is set, then the random generate request (esxi/generate-random-password = true) will be ignored.


There is currently no plumbing to get a remote password for use in the install.


This does NOT treat the password securely. Future versions should specify use of the RackN "encrypted params" feature to protect the clear text password value.

The default operation is to not generate a random password, but to use the value set in the esxi/insecure-password param.