
The cloud init data to send machine after first boot.

Defines the installed size required for the image when installed to a disk. Images can be compressed, and this will make it hard to know what the required disk size is for the installed OS.

If set, the value of this Param will be used to check against the reported disk size that the image will be deployed to. If the disk is too small, the validation task will fail, and the Image Deploy process will error out.

The String values should be a number followed by M or G to represent the value in Megabyte (1024 kilobytes), or Gigabytes (1024 megabytes). Do not use a space between the value and size designator.


  • 500M: 500 Megabyte disk required (512,000 kilobyte or bigger)
  • 60G: 60 Gigabyte disk required (61,440 megabyte or bigger)

The validation schema only supports 1 to 10 total characters followed by M or G. This allows for up to 9,999,999,999 Megabyte or 9,999,999,999 Gigabyte disk sizes.