
Use ansible to run PyVMOMI based vSwitch VMK migration.

This Stage configures the VSAN cluster as a Stretch Cluster with a VSAN Witness. The VSAN Witness must have (at minimum) 2 disks to be claimed as a VSAN Cache disk and a VSAN Capacity disk. These are necessary for the Witness host to store Witness related data about the cluster. The Disks will not be used in the actual software defined storage volumes.

The following rules must be observed for this to run successfully:

  • a Machine object should be created for deploying and managing the VSAN Witness VM
  • the VSAN Witness VM must have already been deployed (see ovftool deploy process)
  • the VSAN Witnes thumbprint should be recorded on the Machine object
  • the VSAN Witness needs a govc host.add ... operation to add it to the DATACENTER level
  • then the vsan witness stretch cluster operation can run

The following Params are all required for the VSAN Witness deployment to be successful:

  • esxi/cluster-profile
  • esxi/vsan-nodes-override (set to the name of the Machine)
  • esxi/vsan-witness: true